alicia's little thot at 1:43 AM
i saw him once again yesterday..
but i am glad that everything's finally over and moving' on..
i knew it the moment i saw him..cause' there's no more of any emotions or questions or even more hard feelings or whatever shitty stuff you call it.
it's like an emotion-less all the questions i once had no longer existed and mattered..
remember i once said that time is what people need to mend a broken heart..
'one day, this love song would be just another ordinary song'..
very true indeed...that particular love song have already been an ordinary song since a long time ago...seeing him again does not bring back any memories i would say..
it's more like a 'strangers' kind of feeling..which ain't such a bad's always better to walk away like strangers than to look at each other and be reminded of how close you were..
i know i shouldn't be blogging about such stuff but i seriously don't find it such a bad idea..cause' i am moving on from that chapter of life..
i know this sounds weird..but i am kind of sounding like someone who had fought a good battle and emerged a better person..
fought a good battle?..haha..maybe yes maybe no..but definately a test of my emotion limits..
emerged a better person?..still trying though..
there are always things that i have been procrasinating and things that i've always prioritised to my own accord..give me some time ya..i'll sort it all out.talking about time..we're like 3 months into year 2007..
there hasn't been much changes these 3 months..but out of the blue, i find myself all grown up and matured..not that i have been childish or hot-tempered or kiddo-like..
but this new year..i just realised that i could handle people and situations better and with tact..
no longer that hot-blooded over-aged youth..
even my thinking has taken a turn how i take things on a more serious note how i think further than i used how i plan ahead now..and muster up courage to face up to harsh reality and tough choices in life..
and how i made myself more open to a lot of possibilities and new challenges out there..i've learnt also to give up certain things to make people better..make situations good...
and in all..i think it's good that i am feeling this. it's time i feel this way too.
you know, that kind of thing of you feeling good that everything you've been doing and working hard for are finally taking it's form and place in life..
haha..i sound old..don't i?a little i must say..haha..
on a cheerie note..
i think i am kind of addicted to hotdog bread recently..i just think they are simply yummie and good~..and i even ate that for my lunch and dinner few days back..haha..'hotdog' mania..
and i am gonna go Bangkok again!
i seriously can't wait for the day to come..think of shopping and food and massages!..i've about 2 weeks more to departure..haha..
and i kind of missed Mr. Cheng today, for no apparent reason. well..these are the sort of things people say when they are in love. oh well~
as you can see..i have got nothin much to blog today..was in a damn mood to blog yesterday but blogger was down..and today, when i layed my hands on the keyboard..there just ain't any inspirations to write a poem or pen down some long over-due thoughts..
well..i guess i'll have to end this post abruptly. many things are left undone and the weekend's gonna be super, expect to see me next week here..
alright. good nite.