alicia's little thot at 12:08 PM

today, i can't help but wanna blog about Mr. Cheng..

though i have been saying time and again that a gal should never blog about her guy too much or at every entry..cause' it just seems to create this impression that her life is everything about the guy and every other thing is secondary..

today, i think i am gonna eat back my own words. i have been itching to blog about him but as always, i would either blog somewhere else or eat up my own thoughts. today, i just can't help but wanna delicate an entry to him.

for all the sweet little things he did for me and for every other thing that i learnt from him.

yeah, i might be creating this impression that my guy's everything important to me. mind you but my friends are as important, especially my besties..jul and still hold a big part of my heart..especially so when we've spent half of our lives together!

and so, back to Mr. Cheng..

yeah, maybe it's a passing 'relationship' phrase or a honeymoon period..but he's damn sweet to me..which explains why i have been delicating the previous 2 entries to him..i know, all this could be over soon and we'll have to deal with our individual preferences and personality differences..and soon, we'll get into this and that quarrell..fights here and there..

but not that i mind having quarrells or fights..i just think they should come in once in a that both would learn and treasure more..

i remembered i once asked him of what happens if we should get into a fight one day..easily he told me that i should not worry a bit cause' he would give in to me..and he ended the conversation saying that we would never get into one anyway..

which left me wondering how life would be in a relationship without quarrells..

perfect? or simply 'nothing'?

anyway, i seldom would quarrell with people i love, unless they does something to piss me off to the max..but given the good nature and temper of my baby, i doubt he would ever piss me off..but if he does, given all those sincere words from the heart, i am bound to give in..

nevertheless, i also realised something about him..whenever he quarrells with someone, it tends to be in Mandarin..and whenever i get into an argument with someone, it has to be in English..else i would have lots of difficulties just trying to get my point across..

talking about such stuff..we are both kind of like magnets..'opposites attract'..

i am a business student while he's into engineering..he's super good in Mandarin while i am more proficient in English..he loves Geography while i love History..cause' he hates memorising while i enjoyed it to the max..

he's kind of into sports..while i am a freaking shopaholic..we are in the exact opposite teams at work..whenever he works, i am off..and when he's having off, i am working..

haha..and despite all these, we are together and well, as what i have always's everything about feeling blissful and happie..

there was this one time where i asked him what he liked about me and he told me it's that one sort of happy feeling..

i thought about what i liked about him and the conclusion boils down to his sincerity and good-heartedness..

and since the day people knew that we're together...everyone has been giving me their blessings and saying that they are happie for me..

well..i am happie too..

when people love you and seriously wanna treat you well from the bottom of their heart, one look into their eyes and you know it. this is what i feel about him. everytime i look into his eyes, i see a sense of something that in turn makes me feel good.

i am not that young but ain't that old either. i can jolly well differentiate the difference between superficial and real love and care. i don't need superficial and material stuff to make me happie or to complete me or my life. i need something that lasts more than that. something that is beyond time and people.

read thru' Straits Times's Life section said this, 'fancy cars, new clothes and big houses all get pushed as the secret of happiness. But that is just not the case. Learning to be happie is a process. Part of that process is having appropriate expectations'..

i used to think of the good life that money, fame and a rich career would bring. but now, a good life could just be as easy as a well-cooked meal.

and all this just reminds me that happiness is in the simplest thing in life. and i am glad that i have Mr. Cheng who showed me the other side of happiness that i have long forgotten.

"for the days that past us by..
i'm truly glad to have you by my side..
you're one reason why i could still believe in love..
and you're the reason why there's always something to look forward to everyday.."