alicia's little thot at 1:33 AM
know what?...after posting the previous entry and consolidating all my thoughts on life and death...i can't help but wanna post this 1 entry..
i know i know..i might be over-reacting..i mean, life and death is but part and parcel of so called compliments each other..just like black and white..sun and moon..chilli and ketchup..
these days..i have been seeing deaths more often than not..babies..adults..
i am more or less immune to life and death due to work..but it's just that, once in a while, you tend to think thru it and reflect about life's purposes and everything and everyone around you..
today, when i thought about all these, i can't help but immediately took out my hp and started to key in my thoughts into a whole mind thinking of sending it to one other person..
but then, i deleted it away anyway..not that i did not like it..but the thought of me over-reacting sets in straight when i get my senses back.. me a female..a gal..a lady..a 'char-bor'...but we are all like that..especially me...when i am seriously in the mood for something..i would even go to the moon and back for you..
but when my heart is not in matter how great the chances or how wonderful life can expect something 'not-so-nice' from me...
anyway, change of topic..was chatting with grace on MSN awhile ago...
and it's amazing how she knows me damn well..and she could read in-between the lines of what i am trying to say or think about..
amazing but true..haha...some times, it's very true when people say that you dun need a lot of friends..but just a few good close ones..
friends are better in quality and not quantity..
btw..went and got a new watch for myself today..from Solvil Titus...i simply love it like crazy..for all sorts of reasons...pricing was a bit steep though..close to 400 bucks..but then..ahem...alright's another story but tell u guys another day..
this pic was taken using my BenQ Siemens S88's amazing how the macro function works and could actually close-up to such an extend..and this is why i am loving it lots still...

more pics another day..i've got tonnes of pics to put in here..
and these days..people are all telling me that they know about my secret..haha..and why am i the last to know i have a secret? is there a real secret?...
well...u to find to know...or maybe i would say, now's not the right time comment on anything..oh well...maybe it's just me..or maybe it's just nothing..
was typing when this particular line pops up in mind..
"love people for what they are and not what they should be.."
i love a lot of people with my heart..
though i might not show it in my acts or even in words..
i care..and i really do..
but some times, it's just not me to show what i truly feel..
ending the post with lots of love..