alicia's little thot at 11:40 PM

tell me about love
and i'll tell about all the lies that comes along.

tell me about money
and i'll talk to you about everything spritual.

tell me about friends
and i can talk endless about enemies.

tell me about enjoyment
and i can enlighten you on illnesses.

tell me you love me
and i can show you what you really thought you liked.

i can talk and show emotions differently.

even when i am sad, i can just laugh more than anyone else.
even when i am poor, i can still go shopping.

even when i am out of love, i would still tell people to get into love.
even when i love someone, i could still act as though i had never felt anything.

sometimes, i could be smiling and still hating you at the same time.

even i dun really get myself at times.

but 1 thing i can be sure of now and today and the days after is that..

i am gonna move forward more procrascinating or stopping..

i am gonna make up for the times that i lose for people who never realised my worth..

i make time stop for them but only to realise that they had letten' go of whatever there is..

the new alicia is just gonna start life better than ever..


i Love God.

btw, Christmas is coming again!!..

and in case you are wondering, i ain't starting all anew because of christmas k..

i've been wanting to get out of certain stuff but it's just the same old thingy coming back again and again..

same old issues..same old topics..same old problems always waiting to get worked out but same old alicia kept on pushing back and procrasinating..

and now that christmas is gettin' near, it's also a good chance to seriously start all over again.

To find back my own self..

i have faced up to the issues that has been bugging me for some time..

i have made up my fickle mind and decide on few stuff...

i am happie with it and living life well..

'I am just sorry that i've put you and me thru' unnecessary nights and fights, only to decide that it's never gonna go far. You're a person whom i might just regret letting go in the future.

But, i ain't someone who's dare enough to take such a risk for years.

I see further than others do. I think more about life than anyone you could know of. I don't have a mentality of a 23 year old. I have a mentality of someone older. I don't just dream of love like it is in a drama serial, I don't just live life like there's always tomorrow, I don't hope of anyone amazing who would be Mr. Perfect.

I know life and i know how it works. I don't hope for smooth sailing times, i don't hope for luck and i do not depend on anyone, really. I don't see the need to really trust anyone, cause' i've betrayed people and have people betrayed me. I don't make myself happie but i simply try to find happiness in life's natural flow of events.

Some lies i can see thru'. But it's just a matter of keeping quiet and numb about it. Some events in life, i know what they meant. But it's just a matter of acting stupid.

I have been thru' a far bit to know what i want and what i need. Some things can never be enough for me, some things can never be what you thought.

whatever it is, i wish you happiness. A man's lost is another's gain. I know i have lost but, mark my words, it is to someone better out there.'
