alicia's little thot at 11:35 PM
Just in the mood for this poem...
You have made it so clear that what lies in between us
is more than just a chair, a table or even a cup of coffee.
I admit I have been allowing myself to be a fool for as long as what seemed like forever.
The things I did, I never once wondered if they were worth it.
Cause’ I thought you were worth it all.
Many a time, you proved me right again and again that in between us lies a thin line.
A line that’s so powerful yet invisible.
It’s like you are on the white side and I am on the black side.
Black and white never does come together, do they?
Even if they do, it becomes a shade of grey.
A colour that ain’t bad or inauspicious,
But just so inappropriate that even the courts refused to accept.
You gave a judgement that grey is simply a mistake on both black and white.
You never did once considered the beauty of it
Not even the fact that it might be a good colour.
My love for you is just like a shade of grey
A mistake, an accidental mix of black and white
Something that should never have existed I supposed.
A loser I may have become, Of my own mistakes and heartaches.
And once in a while, it can’t help but wonder why.
Do you?