alicia's little thot at 10:03 PM
not that i had not been blogging these days, just that my a few of my previous entries were made private.
just did not find it necessary to share some 'hard to accept/swallow' facts out in the open. it ain't anything glamour or exciting, just some of my rantings here and there.
i have started work at my new place about a week ago. so far, life's been alright. i think i shall reserve my initial feelings and observations till much much later. people at work are nice too. most of the people sitting around me are grown-ups, all older than me in fact. they are either married or married with kids.
in fact, i do like working with people older than me. they are more experienced and way better and mature in dealing with their emotions and thoughts, at least no more of those childish kiddos.
i have a table of my own and it's located along the walkway to the lawyers' rooms. it's quite a strategic location though cause' everyone who walks by gets a glimpse of whatever i am doing. haha, good or bad? :P
but at least, now i have a desk to call my own. a computer to personalise my wallpapers and save my docs, though i have not really got into it yet. i have brought along my own mug, my sweater, my 3-in-1 cereals pack, some strawberry wafers and cookie biscuits to munch when my stomach is hungry before lunch starts.
the working time is alright too, i report for work at 8.30, go for a hour lunch break at 1, go back at 6 from mons to thurs and 5.30 on fris. i am getting back my free time of PH and sats and suns too.
haha, just that i have got lots of laundry to clear though. it's been piling like crazy since i started work. partly cause' i was lazy and partly cause' i was sick on Mon. had initially wanted to call in sick but decided against it. just seems a taboo to talk about MC when i have just started work. but thank God, everything's alright now, Panadol, sleep and my little teddy FF kind of cured it all.
but above all these, there are 2 persons whom i think i should thank from the bottom of my heart.
God. for keeping me in safe times and being there.
Mr Cheng. for calling and SMS-ing me to ask about my job and for fetching me from work during his off days and bringing my dinner from his mama all the way from AMK. that was really sweet though. in our bid to be closer and to save a little $$, we have been trying to either eat home or bring out lunch/dinner boxes.
it does not really save tonnes of money but it kind of brought us closer to be eating home-cooked meals (cooked either by him or his mama) together in gardens.
maybe it's our own way of being romantic i guess.
and we've been kind of busy too, looking into things and stuff. we've booked a package with My Bridal Room just about a week plus back. went to check on the package and it's too good to resist though. we both love the gowns and pics and thus, the decision to book it.
as for the wedding bands, we went about looking for the past few weeks and just yesterday, we kind of decided on the perfect pair which we both liked to the max. haha, it ain't cheap though, it's a Destinee diamond wedding band costing a total of about 3k. haha, we kind of have a lobang for a cheaper price so we'll see if it works..
mr cheng and i had also decided on a date and some other minor stuff. but we'll have to get into a whole lot of planning first.
hee...and we both have to start losing the extra weight to look good!!..
hee, that shall be all for now. i have nothing much le. sorry if i seem to be blogging a lot about my future with mr cheng. it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing and i am so nervous and panicky at the thought of it. i have been thinking a lot these days, good and bad and i just wanna say that i've decided on somthing i really wanted to do and i hope that i can get the support of family and friends.
i have not officially told my side of the family yet, just needed to get past xmas and this year before i start saying things on a more serious note. the timing is important cause' it ain't only about me and mr cheng. it's about our families and friends. which is why i've only told this matter in more detail to JAG*s and phylicia.
these are people whom i trust a lot and whom i know will be there for whatever i chose to do. thanks babes, sorry if i have been missing lately. promise we'll have more time together!..i am on office-hour anyway..haha