alicia's little thot at 2:30 PM

went to Wendy's wedding dinner on 29th May 2007..

Congrats to my good friend Wendy and her hubby Cheng Howe..

"wishing you both a blissful marriage and a lifetime of happiness.."

here's 2 pics of baby and me during the bag was too small to put my ended up taking only a few pics with my hp..

love you..

alicia's little thot at 1:54 PM

yesterday and today...

just some time back, i was contemplating on developing the pics that mr. cheng and i have taken in our 4 months plus together..

after some calculation...i was considering whether or not to develop them..cause it added up to 150 bucks..and that was for the 360 pics so far..

but..after some online research and much discussion with him..i decided to go ahead with it..cause' a particular online search linked me to a Kodak photoshop in Toa Payoh that prints good quality pics on Kodak paper for 20c per piece..

and that kind of cut the budget by half.. :D

plus..they offer a free 8R for every 100 pieces..which means, we'll be getting 3 pieces of 8R...which is a pretty good deal though..

Toa Payoh ain't that far either..has a straight bus from my workplace and from home..

and so, i sent them for developing yesterday and the extra good news is..i get to collect them this evening!..

fast and efficient..especially for an impatient person like me.. :D

on the way back home yesterday..i bought a new photo album's the further pics of it for now..cause' mr. cheng checks my blog every now and then..and if i were to post more pics won't be a surprise anymore..

i just read thru his blog and found some real sweet stuff he wrote..

it was nice of him to write something though he had been kind of busy since getting back to the team from his 7-week course..

and we are all gonna be real busy this coming weekend and the whole of next week..due to a major event..i am not gonna see him for about a week i guess..

plus i've not been seeing him the past 3 days including today cause' either he's working or i am working...

so it's a long long time before we get to see each other's faces...but lucky i've got the bear he gave me some time's cute though..when you are upset or tired..and it looks at you and smile..

reminds me of mr. cheng though.. :D

anyway..i am sorry to many people out there i've neglected...i am truly sorry...i have been up the throat doing work stuff and some private stuff..i can't really say much here cause' everyone reads this blog and i do not know exactly who..

and i know some irriatating people are thinking that i am spending all of my time on dating...well..truth is i am cheng is busy and i am busy with my stuff too...i don't even have much time for retail therapy!!..the only time i have for retail therapy is before and after work..that little half hour at most?..

and the rest of the time were for me to even a simple task of sleeping without disturbances have kind of become a luxury!..

my job is kind of taking me up...and i do not have spare time for people who are out to think that i've got no time for them..give me some thought though..i would seriously pay to spend time hanging out and doing practically nothing if all my day-to-day needs are met well on time and i have no worries for the next 50 years down the road.

life's kind of stressful especially when you look everywhere and find that what you've got financially ain't gonna bring you far to anywhere..

i have enough to survive..but just ain't enough to live life luxuriously without a single fear or worry..

i know, money ain't everything..but somehow you just need a good amount to bring you through the different stages of life..

haiz...that was a long post about $$..

i hate talking about $$..takes my breath and time away...and i can't believe i just spent some of my 'youth' on it..


anyway...enough of complains..

i am kind of thinking of organising a BBQ for my have fun, mingle and eat!..have thought of a few places it's just the planning of dates and people...

this must work!!...i'll be back..wait for me~...

alicia's little thot at 5:27 PM

my updates for the past week..

time really flies..

i can't remember what and when i last updated...i know i've been a bad blogger these days..but i am seriously plain lazy..i am so tired and i am having a bad sore drink more water people..

i have a lot of pics to update too..posted a few here..but there're more at check it out k..hee..

well..for the past week...

celebrated my 4th monthsary with was quite a major one, compared to our previous celebrations..i know some of you might wonder why the need to celebrate a might not be a big thing to anyone..but to us, it's a way of remembering a chapter completed..

every month counts..cause' with each passing brings you nearer to an anniversary..

in that way..when you get could look at many beautiful pics and think 'hmm...wonderful'..

we celebrated with a trip to the Zoo..followed by a BBQ...

the Zoo trip was very worth it though..price per adult was S$15/- but me and dear got the entry fees waived off cause' i took from my company the 'Zoo's Corporate Card'.. know i am..hahaha..damn thick skin man.. was a good day spent there though..took about 180 pics...haha...shall upload a few at Multiply..

and most importantly..we had Ben and Jerry's Ice-cream!!..haha..dear was such a spontenous person..ask him to take pics and he willingly posed pretty, handsome, charming, ugly, cute pics with me..

ask him to eat ice-cream he also eat with me..he even bought the both of us t-shirts from the Zoo.. :D

haha..he's such a treasure..

and having a BBQ by Pasir Ris Beach just ended the celebration in no other better way..

i did the marinating and he did the was such good effort put together..we even tried to create our own choc fondue but reaped very bad results instead..

i bought the wrong chocs..and it turned out 'burnt'..

haiz..maybe next time we shall try again ba..since eating choc fondue outside is such an expensive fare..

these days..i am pretty 'stingy' with my $$..cause' i am paying off my last instalment for my braces..a whooping S$1,500/-..

but last payment and i shall be off braces.. :D more payment of hundred bucks every month to my dentist..and my teeth will be pretty!..

apart from the monthsary celebration..

i changed my blog's's e theme song of the korean show...'200 pounds beauty'..a nice and touching song indeed..the show was great too..

reinforces the point that some things are beyond looks..

talking about this topic..a close friend and I had a conversation over his gf last week..he honestly told me that he does not love her 'that much' when compared to his ex cause she ain't that pretty..just average looking..

i simply replied him that 'some things are beyond looks'..

i am sure many of you out there will agree with me, somehow rather. what's the point of getting a pretty gal when she does not love you as much and treats you bad. no doubt everyone wants a partner he or she can show off to people..

but looks aren't everything. it's always the heart that counts.

just like me and dear, the both of us are simply normal and ordinary folks..but the love we share and the care and support that i get from him everyday is simply extraordinary..

just like don't need a nice or pretty dress to bring out the best in only need the right person who fits well...

i knew of a friend who married his wife recently..after they've been together for only 3 months..

definately..the first question that pops up would be 'shotgun'?..nope..simple reason: they both find that they are The One for each other..

i kind of know that kind of does not come only comes once in a lifetime..

i attended a chinese wedding dinner yesterday with Mr. Cheng..and we sat on a table with a fellow colleague who has since been posted to another unit..

while i was busy doing my emcee stuff for the event, Mr. Cheng kept himself busy talking to the colleague about marriage and weddings..and once in a while, he disturbs me by telling me that we should get married too!..

i pretended and was looking everywhere else and acting busy...but that does not stop him from disturbing and playing around.. :P


marriage is a lifetime thingy..a beautiful and impressive wedding is but for a day..a marriage is for a lifetime..

maybe it's the fear in me..but i've always thought it to be scary to have a lifetime commitment with someone..that is like at least 60 years down the road..

when you get exchange rings as a symbol of get a certificate that says you are both legally get all the legal obligations that comes along with exchanged vows and promised to be there for each other through the good times and bad..

you have a beautiful church wedding before God..and an impressive wedding dinner bash..everyone wishes you a blissful marriage and happiness of a lifetime..

after that special one are legally, physically, mentally, emotionally combined and together..

there must not be any more rash acts or neglect on many things..

no longer should each of you have too much a private space...

it's a BIG thingy to me eh..but a lot of people kept telling me that i think too much..haha

maybe ba..

i've always have this fondness for the imaginary...

thank god i don't hallucinate..

oh..and just 2 days back..i tried might not be a great deal..but it is to me!...i am so unfit man...i barely climbed 1/4 of the wall before giving up..

i just can't make it..and now i am having such bodyaches all over my body..

even a simple task of tossing around the bed while sleeping is tough..

but it was a good try least i could look back oon my life and think no regrets.. :D

alright..i think dad wants to go out for a dinner..

i am gonna end here..will be back with more photos..


alicia's little thot at 1:31 PM


as i look through the 200 pics of our recent trip..

i felt happy at the moments we spent side by side..looking at the beautiful views of the world and enjoying each other's company..

those times we spent tucked away from the rest of the world were simply the best times of my life..

need i say more?..

i love you.

happie 4th monthsary..

alicia's little thot at 6:40 PM

sometimes, it's so hard to be happie and get happie.

the past 3 days had been a little living hell for me and i am anything but real happie. i know i must be happy every single day of my life but it is geting tougher and tougher day by day. i tried, i failed and i feel bad.

sunday is completely a bad day. from the beginning to the end. and worst of all, everyone's too busy for me. i guess it's all shitty when everything's stuffed within and you just have no where to vent it all out.

yesterday was not a good day either. i made certain feelings straight to someone and i am kind of having mixed feelings over it now. glad i am to have said the unhappy thoughts and feelings within me all this while but upset i am to seem to have spolit a person's good day.

yes, i blame myself for it. sometimes, i wonder if i was wrong to have talked too much about how i felt. i made him unhappy and i feel unhappy myself too. i am sad over it cause' there seems to be nothing that can be done to improve.

at the end of it all, i simply told him 'forget about the matter'. yup, after talking so much about my negative thoughts, i actually told him to forget about the whole matter.

was it even necessary for me to speak up at the first place?

i feel stupid indeed. the whole of today i was in fact waiting for him to give me a call. but yet, i dun wanna talk much about anything.


my family seems to be unhappy about me on sunday. especially mum. she had once again assumed some things and said that i was just not into anything related into 'family', that some things just do not matter as much.

she assumed, she said her part. i kept quiet and left home. why didn't i explain?..i don't see the need to. further explanation would just worsen matters. anyway, i hate explaining too.

i called up someone i love, only to realise that it was a mistake. i felt much worst after.

it had been a soapy crying 3 days. and now i wonder why i could not cry. i hate myself, i hate my life and i hate my home. i can't wait to move out though i know it ain't a practical move.

nothing's really fair. i tried hard at certain things only to realise that people are mistaken.

i once stood alone against everything in life. now i wonder where had that courage went to?

suddenly i felt this feeling in me that he is drifting further and further from me. do i not trust myself, him or us?

all i want in life is simple. to be happy. i am supposed to be.

alicia's little thot at 2:02 PM

i've just updated a few pics on click to check it out..

erm...i think something's wrong with Blogspot..even a simple task of posting is becoming a tough task..i wonder what's wrong, again? my new song?'s my HOT favourite might have been in existance for a long time..but i was just listening to it on Class95 last night and find that the song just sounded soothing to the heart..


i've made up a new resolution for today..that is to be a good procrasinator today.i am just gonna rest and relax and not think about anything stressful.

everything can come or be done tomorrow...i seriously need this one day to rest. worry not, i'll work hard tomorrow. i am also actually supposed to go jogging today to burn off the damn calories that the fillet-o-fish meal brought about yesterday. Not forgetting the Happie Meal i ate the day before too.

oops..Mac in 2 straight choice though..was at work and no one was available to buy food. furthermore, i hate to call people to get me food. i know how annoying it gets when one's busy.

but Mac was alright though. At the least, it cured a hungry stomach.

and would you be amazed if i told you that i finished my burger and fries within TEN minutes?

haha..guess i was really hungry.

and i think the fillet-o-fish have definately gone down in standard. something is just not right with the taste. it no longer has that kind of 'punch' and that 'oohhmm' factor...

i figured months ago that they've downsized the burger bun. and it's either the bun have affected the taste or just that the fish is no longer that fresh anymore.

i don't know. but i kind of feel sad over it cause' apart from my top choice of double cheeseburger, this is my second best.

oh well..i hope some big time manager chances upon my blog and decided to take this feedback into consideration in improving their food and award me with....a thousand dollars Mac voucher?

haha..fat hope though..but hey, chances ain't that slim either.. :D

i am meeting my favourite guy later for a meal out..and we're gonna have his favourite beef horfan at Thomson...

i was having this urge to try out the HongKong cafe though...the original branch is at East Coast and they have a sub one along Thomson..opposite Novena Sq..

but i've been hearing comments that the one at Thomson ain't as nice..

well...i guess i'll forget about Hong Kong Cafe in the meantime..maybe next time..

oh yeah, i've came up with a new resolution for the rest of the year..i've decided to bring my digi camera out more often..i think it deserves to be utilised more than to be shelved somewhere in my wardrobe.., having a online photosite just made it all worthwhile..


look out for more pics eh..

alight..i am gonna bum around and rest..


alicia's little thot at 3:42 PM

i added a new feature in my blog..

it's at the right hand side and it's under 'snapshots..'..

click on it and you'll know..hahaha...

i think i am pretty smart to be coming up with feature like this in my blog though i know i am not the first..

oh well..just something to share though..cause' the pics that i post here are kind of eating up the space..

i would still be posting pics up here..but just some main ones ba..

so, do check the new feature took me quite some time to figure things out!..


me and darl celebrated our 100th day-sary on 02/05/07 East Coast Park..he suggested going there for a healthy pinic..but it didn't end up being healthy cause' we had chicken, ribs, bread with ham and cheese..chips..

it didn't occur to me that it was a special day..but he told me it was cause' he counted a few times..haha..

here's some pics..

dear gave me this Forever Friends bear for the Special Day..
he told me it didn't cost a lot..but i think it costs near to a 100 bucks, if not more..

dear and i gave the bear a nickname..but it's our little i shall not reveal..but that day was we were both very full..we are in fact gaining weight!..which is i shall work hard to burn off the calories!!'s a last pic of my fav. guy with his bear..haha..he told me he decided to give the bear to me cause' he thinks every gal deserves to get a bear like this sometime in their lives..

haha..cute idea though..but kudos to him who actually knows what's a 'Forever Friends' bear without me telling him.. :D

p/s: i love you

alicia's little thot at 11:40 AM

Sometimes i expect too much..assume too much and think too much..

and when everything adds up together, it becomes a lethel mix of confusion and complications accompanied by a fusion of sadness and disappointment..

disappointed at myself for being out of control and lost at what i should start to do to make things right.

which is kind of weird cause nothing seemed to be wrong. but i just do not sense the right things.
Maybe i think too much, too much for my own mental and emotion well-being.

黑夜 寂寞的夜裡




alicia's little thot at 11:30 AM

maybe i should go back to where i belonged..

i just went and came back from a Kukup (Malaysia) trip on Sunday..

photos would have to wait..cause' i did not bring my camera along..was relying on my hp camera and other people's cameras..

reason being that i wanted to travel light~...

Kukup is this Kelong place at the south of Malaysia i think..went with my colleagues..some NC members and my baby..

Itinery for the day was a visit to the kelong fishing farm of fishes, crabs, starfishes and other sea creatures...followed by a seafood lunch..some shopping by the at Johore Jusco..seafood dinner at Apollo Restaurant..and back to Singapore..

the whole trip was alright..nothing much about the kelong actually..but me and baby bought lots of food stuff..and there was this one thing he was MOST happie was a bottle of Chilli he found at one of the shops..

haha..when he saw it..he actually let go of me and picked up the bottle with much enthusiasem and told me how nice the chilli was..he first tried it when his mum bought it years back..and eversince, he has been keeping a lookout for it each time he's in Malaysia..

he told me it ain't easily available..

so, within a minute..he picked up 3 bottles..insisting that i should try..haha

he bought one for my mama..saying that i should try it soon..

haha..sweet..shall upload the pics when i am free to take pics.. :D

the seafood lunch and dinner was extremely filling..and i managed to take some chilli crab..cause baby took out the meat for me..knowing that i can't really chew onto crabs..

haha..2 more months..and i shall go EAT CRABS!!!...

and i did a little shopping too!..haha..bought a skirt..bought DUNKIN DONUTS!!..mind you but me and baby bought 40 small donuts...haha..but no pics for that..cause' my family finished it within a day..don't know what happened to baby's one though..

wanted to take a Neoprint there cause' i was thinking it's should be cheaper lor..

but was like 9 bucks for a piece..not worth it..hmmm..maybe when i have spare cash to spare..i shall take one with particular reason's pretty ex i know..but it's just the novelty of taking know, more special features and the lighting?

oh yeah..back to the trip..wanted to get a Adidas shirt that was retailing for 20 singapore bucks..but the cut's kind of funny...the sleeves were weird...maybe cause' it's kiddo's cut ba..

hmmm...a day of shopping and eating~..and photo-taking and baby took quite a number of pics while on the bus..

haha..the pics were cute..didn't know he could be so spontenous..

alright..i am gonna go off le..i've got homework to do..

there were actually some unhappiness between me and him was a stupid thingy that i wished it didn't happen..

i am kind of guilty over it..and more guilty when i read about what he wrote this morning..

sorry honey.. i love you..