alicia's little thot at 11:50 AM
think Blogger is 'losing''s gettin extremely slow and pissing me off..if you dun already know, i kind of hate waiting, unless i can utilise the waiting time for shopping or something useful..
anway, i better not complain too much here..the administrator might just be reading my blog and kickin me out..
and so, here's an update on my life for the past few days..
i have been trying my 'best' to make the best out of this christmas and spending each single 12 days of this time (from 25th dec to 5th jan) well..without any bad thought, sins or anything bad..
i have been doing far so the least, i ain't losing my 'easily lost temper'...
and so, i went to Ikea @ Tampines with jul 2 days back..that place was freaking BIG..
just take a look..

this is only the self-assembly section..the whole place is EXTREMELY BIG...go check out of you're free..there's a free shuttle from Tampines MRT..exit from your right when you come out of the MRT and walk to the shelter..
the long queue of people should give you an idea of the waiting area...
but just a note though..queue's very long and it does not take long before you realise the long queue forming..
and another thing to note..bring lots of money..yes..Money!
i spent like 80 over bucks in a short span of 2 hours..mainly because there's lots of things to get for the household and room..
plenty i would's like looking at one thing and knowing immediately who it suits or where it would look nice in the room..
but then, money was well-spent i guess..bought 2 huge storage boxes, 1 self-assembled side table..white in colour!, 2 flower pots for dumping my cosmetics and stationary, 2 heat-pad holders for mum, 1 brush thingy to scrub the pans, 1 quilt, 1 alarm clock...
yup, that's all..scary huh?
haha..this is still okie la..only these few stuff after carefully selecting the list of what i want and what i need..
wanted so much to buy a flower flower quilt cover and pillow set..but then, it was like near to 2o bucks..gave it much consideration and placed it back..
thank god i place it back..or else the pocket hole will definately be gettin BIGGER..
but then, so happie coming back home everyday and seeing that there's much more storage space and that my room's neater..
haha..can shop more!!
*change of topic..
i've gotten all my online buys..woo hoo..all the way from looks pretty good..more or less what i've imagined to be..
the last package was slow though..i even thought it got lost in the mail..thank god it came!
can't wait to faster faster wear all of them!..
:D xmas dinner is on tonight..gotta be out to run some errands soon..but i am so sleepy..went out with mum for breakfast this morning..helped her carry her stuff into the cab and gave her 10 bucks for cabbie cause' she was running late for school..
she's not attending school la..she finally found a new job..being a cook at the Holy Family Church's kindergarten at Katong/East Coast vicinity..
it's good though..we both like the idea of working in a Catholic church environment..
it's just better..
guess it was all God's blessings..not giving you what you wanted earlier cause' he has something better for you later..
wait and you shall get..pray hard and you shall be awarded for your faith..
aiyoh,i am sounding so 'holy' all of a sudden..haha..maybe because it's xmas..
and btw, my block leave's over~..this is so sad..but i ain't really on leave also..doing this and that..that and busy everyday..
oh well..
better be busy than free..
alright..enough updates for today..i am tired and sleepy..
and i am gonna head down to PS get groceries for my dinner..
*wanted to upload some pics but blogger is not working, maybe another day..else you can check out friendster too..