alicia's little thot at 3:38 PM
Thanks to everyone who wished me Happie Birthday..
sorry if i failed to reply..
my phone's doing a little stunt since does not ring and i am having difficulties accessing the directory and pics..
dunno if it's the microSD or phone..
i hope it's none..and that it's just a PMS.. much for praising it in my previous post..
big mouth siah..
anyways, later will be going to Tampiness with mummie..she's gonna bring me out to a birthday thingy..and i am praying hard..and very very hard that she gets my hint of wanting a TV..
since months ago..i have been looking and seeing and checking ard for the best bargain..i hope she pays for it though..haha..i wouldn't mind carrying it back home..hee hee..
was thinking of eating at Din Tai the xiao long bao and lamien a lot..ages since i last ate there..really craving for xiao long bao..hope mum's okie with it..
dad gave me 50 bucks for birthday..but i am still deciding what to get..or maybe i should save..since there's so much xmas presents to buy and i'll be broke..
oh yeah...jul/yanmei gave me my pressie yesterday..a blk bag with a Forever Friends bear and a blk necklace..
so nice~especially the bag...hahaha...i am gonna use fact, i started using it yesterday...
so comfy and it's air flown from London..
grace told me to pick something and she will pay..i told her i wanted a Indian bf...since i am forever so crazy over Indian stuff..
then she told me to go home and i'll find him outside my house.. bluff me..don't have leh..
maybe it's the delivery company..they might have delivered my Indian bf to Ireland or something..
i'll keep checking everyday..
crazy me..and crazy grace..
btw, yesterday..walked past some handphone poster outside Plaza Singapura and saw the Sony Ericsson phones on sale..
and i was just looking out for the trade-in values for hps..
and they don't have BenqSiemens..
wah biang sad..and this grace still can tell me that Benq is not a regconised brand..that's why no trade in value..
and i paid like $298 for it.. feel like changing phones..but i guess i'll wait la..will be spending the $$ on xmas instead..
and i can't seem to find a good place for my xmas party..everywhere's like fully booked...
but i'll keep looking...i must have a xmas party for friends!..