My God-sis/Best Friend is Married~
hee hee...
Her name is Phylicia...and her husband's name is Alen Phang..
They look good together and from what i see, he seemed to be a good down-to-earth guy..
One whom will dote on Phylicia..
Heard they were colleagues and he's 25 this year, a Malaysian from Sarawak Kuching..
Nevertheless, I am very happy for her.
Knowing her since my secondary school days and having been through a lot of 'weird', good, 'bad', 'naughty' and 'bitchy' days with her, I am truly glad that she had found someone to depend on..
Phylicia had been through lots of hard and trying times and I think it's time she truly deserves one guy who cares and loves her they way she deserves.
The past I shall not touch on..but as for now, Congrats to the new Mr. and Mrs. Phang..
the hallway...

the wedding table..cause' that's where you signed on the dotted line..hee

the bride and the groom..

a closer look..

the wedding bands..

Phylicia and her family with the groom's dad..

me and the Bride..

my dress for the day..haha..loved it lots..

alright..that's all folks...

alicia's little thot at 1:41 PM
and so my good friend's out of love..
the gal that he has been so good to has officially told him that she still loves her ex..
we had a talk on the phone last night..
it was bad and terrible..
he was upset while i was having a bad flu that i can't stop sneezing..
he kept asking me why and how..
haiz..i also don't know how..
i mean i am quite good at being bad and sarcastic to people..
but when someone calls in the middle of the night crying over relationship probs..
i also don't know what to say..
seeing him like that just reminds me when that someone left me..
somehow rather..this song just keeps playing in my mind..
it's called 'Zui Jin' (Recently) by Lee Sheng Jie..
part of the lyrics goes...

sometimes, you can give your everything..even beyond your means..
but there are some things that even the most perfect person can never give..
when he told me about his story..
i can fully understand both sides...
i understand when the gal says she can't let go of her past with her ex..
i understand when he says he says how terrible it is to give and provide and accomodate everything but yet still lacking in something that even he does not know what..
i can't forget a certain someone and move on and i also know how terrible and helpless it gets when you sink your heart into something to realise that it is a one way trip..
but i guess he just gotta let time move him on.. by day..
but seeing him is like seeing a copy of myself in the past siah..
that boy...
'it's not the end of the road eh..
everything happens for a reason..
someday you will know..
somethings can never be rushed..
especially emotions..
she has her reasons and you have yours..
it's not your fault..
just a matter of wrong timing..'

alicia's little thot at 1:19 PM
remember the entry i wrote about a certain person who commented on me in her blog?
seems like she read my blog and took me off her 'Juicy Reads' corner..
she wrote something like this..though i am not sure if it was directed at me..
'Haha, what a reaction!
But I know you can't stay from my blog long enough, cuz I know that u love to talk about other people.
Some things never change it seems.
If you don't like my blog, I have two words for anyone whom this concerns - Fuck off.'
should be la...
but then..
it's her blog anyway..
i had wanted to say something damn evil here but i guess i better not..
it's way too Evil.
anyway..that shall be my last entry on her la..
not that i like to read her blog..
but it's just that at times when you are surfing the net aimlessly and have nothing better to do..
you tend to click on links that will lead you from blog to blog..
and that's how i ended up reading her blog..
i mean, for killing time, it ain't a bad idea..
just that it ain't that Entertaining..
then again, it's her blog..
how entertaining can it be to Others?
that shall be the end of her in my Blog..
Adelia or should i say Zuli?

alicia's little thot at 3:50 PM
have been fiddling with my hp these few days..
and took a few pics..
here are 2 of them..
this was taken when i was waiting for bus. 222 to bring me home..
love the natural colour caused by the street lights in this pic..
too bad...the colours are different when i upload it..

me~ ..and my smelly comfy blanket..

alicia's little thot at 3:29 PM
These are the pics from my night out with jul and grace...
during the IMF period..Marina Sq was good then..not much crowd..
dinner at Sakae Sushi..
but being such greedy pigs we are..
we forgot to take pics of our food..but the menu's more or less the, nothin' much to take we were all extra hungry..

never saw a Purple plate at Sakae before..

all the sushi we ate!...oops..i mean the plates that were left behind..

2 best friends with a fetich for the menu..
i love this pic..
just find it so amusing..

my fav. pic of the day...

after some eating..we went to shop for dresses...
jul needed one for her cousin's wedding..and i needed one for zuomin's wedding..
tried on this red floral was nice but just ain't appropriate for the occasion..
plus i just can't find any good reason to buy it..
so i secretly took a pic of it in the changing room...haha
for memory ma..
that's all.

alicia's little thot at 11:42 PM
i have got quite a few pics to upload but i am kind of tired plus lazy..
so..maybe another day..
went for a mini shopping spree today..
bought a dress to wear to zuomin's wedding..
but it needed some tailoring so no pics at the moment..
but it's nice though..with a bow in the front..
shall take a pic when i collect it..
costed 66 bucks and it's dark brown in colour..but it's alright la..for my god-sis's wedding..
was trying so many dresses that i've lost count of them all...
btw..jul..if you are reading this..can try the shop i went's a corner shop at Century Sq..opposite Delifrance..
it's a Spain brand..
called Forntieer..
the dresses there are nice and of 'our age' and they have a broad selection too..
prices are reasonable too..from 20 plus to below 100...
if only i am working in the private sector..
then can buy all the pretty dresses and clothes to wear to work liao..
and the rest of today was spent on getting groceries and trying out jeans too..
have been looking for a pair of good jeans but just can't find any..
so, if anyone here happens to know of any shops selling dark denim jeans, bootcut stye and at least 32inches in length..please tell me..
i 'll reward you with.........................
a lunch/dinner..
that is, if i buy it...
don't know leh..just can't find a good fit that is long and compliments my butt..
maybe i should try Topshop ah..
since they are famous for their comfy jeans..
and apart from jeans..
my hair is growing long..
haha..finally it's showing some 'length'..
hope it grows longer and longer faster and faster...
in fact, just a week ago..i was just telling grace and jul that i wanted to go for hair extension so that i'll have immediate longer hair..
but nah..
we figured out that it's gonna be real human hair that we might not even know of its real origin..'s so weired to be wearing another person's hair..
that person might even be dead..
anyway..a change of topic..
i am gettin' tired..
To someone out there..
Good nite..Sweet dreams..
You might not know but..
Someone here loves you more than you thought she does..

alicia's little thot at 9:01 PM
so many times..
when you look back at life..
you would realised that the very ones that you have hurt are the ones who loved you the most..
and like a case of kharma..
you would love someone too much and realised he might not even love you that much..
i ran towards the ugly side of life
and thought it was there that i belong
till one moment where i saw the beautiful side of life..
but i just didn't have the energy to run anymore..

alicia's little thot at 8:13 PM
I found this entry on my fellow polymate's blog..
'Alicia, I don't know if u read this (but I have a feeling u do from time to time),
and I have one thing to say. Your post on Aug 12th irked me.
I share your view on inconsiderate Singaporeans...
Trust me, our fellow citizens are quite a bunch.
But what made me see red... was your picture.
U want to show plastic bags on a seat, fine.
Of course, that old lady just *happened* to be in the picture.
My question - Did u take that picture with that lady's knowledge? Or did u sneak a snap with your phone to showcase that particular act of intentional/unintentional consideration?
Why not take a pic of that ass that was leaning on the grab pole too? Too obvious maybe?
Maybe it just strikes me more because apart from the plastic bags, I see a tired, old malay lady, fiddling absent-mindedly with her ez-link card... Sure, her younger companion should've known better...
But what abt you?
Self-explanatory picture indeed.'
before i proceed thing to make clear though..
this BLOG contains SOLELY my own opinions and mind anyone here..
I have THE RIGHT to blog whatever comes to mind or occur in my life..
If what i type here does not please your eyes in any way..
by ALL MEANS, you may just click on the 'X' button at the top right hand corner.
going on..
I respect your choice to put me in your blog to comment on my entry..
and i would say i am much honoured to be mentioned in that blog of yours together with great sacrcastic remarks..
i have very much indeed read it with anger..
but nevertheless, i find it of no point to bring any point of mine across to you...not as though you would want any reasonings, Right?
I have placed the pic in to illustrate my point, which was not very much read on well by you.
and i don't see any point of reasoning or defending myself here as well..not that i want or intent to.
you are you, I am Me.
I don't see why you are making a little fuss over that entry though..
oh well, maybe it slipped off my mind that you have a right to blog too..
how forgetful!..
but then again, yeah, i am a person who can be straight at times.
I can put up nice pics as well as 'ugly' pics too..
and it's all depending on this weird mood of mine..
but then..people interpret things and pics different..
and i am not at all surprised that you have interpreted things differently, seriously i am not.
my purpose of this entry is basically just to include it in my blog that some people have different ways of looking at things, and very much by You indeed.
that's all.
and i do enjoy the pleasure of letting people know that, yes, i do read their blogs.
btw, your entry IRKED me as much I have irked you.
I guess, different frequencies.
Oh, btw, if i were you, i wouldnt hesitate a bit to remove my link from your 'juicy reads corner'..
but then again, maybe not, cause' i might be another reason why you should blog more frequently.

alicia's little thot at 7:34 PM
1. Simple Facts:
My stinko sheep-sheep
CB (it's short-form from the vulgarities dictionary, in case you don't know.)
Darling (fyi, i ain't attached..but i call everyone ard me Darling..cause i ehm...well...Love them?)
ha ha
Faith in thyself (that's impt to me, which is why i have it on me..haha..)
Money (it's something material..can't buy happiness but you won't die from an overdose of it)
Happiness and Love
alright this is gettin' weird..things i do?!
Watch TV
Spending time thinking about the past and being immersed in over-flowing memories
Have you...
2. Send short messages?
3.Read the newspaper?
yeah you bet..i read the papers matter how screwed up a day is or how tired i's almost a daily how i can't live without air..and i do read the main..not just Life! and Urban..although the last two has priority..haha
of course...every week when i pop into church..which is not a thing to be proud of actually..i Should be praying everyday..i try to but it's just really not in me. Nevertheless, I Love God. I carry him in my Heart everywhere I go..
nah...i am out of that already..but if you consider projects and reading up on reference materials...yeah,i do read up.. window shopping?
oh yeah, very much indeed. I am a GIRL, btw.
7.Wish on stars?
when i was much younger..
but thinking back, i don't think those wishes ever get to the Stars anyway
..since i live in a 4-storey block..
those wishes could have been stuck to earth due to those high rise HDBs..damn..
Have you ever:
1.gone for a date?
haha..ya..plentiful...but never really fruitful... alone?
locally yes..i mean..i travel to and fro work alone..i had even shop and ate and watched a movie alone...
but just ain't any way i could defend myself should something something goes wrong..
3.swam in the dark?
haha..I don't Swim btw.
4. gone to a party?
yup..but it has been ages since my last...
5.Ran away from home?
I am a good convent girl.
6.felt depressed?
many times. It is just in me i suppose. Sometimes, when you look through things and reflect and think..there are as many things in life you jus wishe they haven't happened and a long list of people you wish didn't hurt..
tears are good consolence though..
7.felt lonely?
i am an only i am more or less used to does not really matter that much anymore..just that at times, it just gets to you esp when there is just simply no one to pour your troubles out to and no shoulders to allow you to readily cry on..
bfs and parents are there but some just wished you had a sibling to share with..
have you...
yeah..look at my previous post and you know...
to myself...and maybe mum..
3.Been kissed?
4.Felt stupid?
nah..i think i am pretty smart..
5.Talked to an ex?
no longer..
6.Missed someone?
yeah..never stopped in fact..
7.Hugged someone?

alicia's little thot at 12:24 PM
For my PaPa..
this might sound a little mushy but this post is specially delicated to my Dad..
and it all started with a extremly BAD and SCARY dream this morning..
regarding my Dad..
it was so bad that i woke up from it with fear and tears..
and immediately looked around and realised that dad was in the toilet, preparing to go to work.
i then did something stupid..
i went back into my room and started crying like how i did in the dream..
finally after some crying, i walked out to the living room and switch on the TV..tuning in to Channel 8...
the Morning show was like nothing but white noise to me.
after awhile, Dad came along and said 'Good morning' and continued doing his stuff..
all along, i wasn't really watching TV but just thinking of that STUPID dream..hoping it doesn't come true..
soon after, Dad said good-bye and left for work..
before he did..he told me to get the 3-in-1 milo mixture for the home..and only if it costed S$4.50 cause' if the pricing is any higher, it's too ex..
i said ok and he wore his shoes and left for work..
mum woke up soon after and asked me why i had woken up so early..
i simply brushed it off with the excuse that i could not get to sleep..
truth is more than that..
and from the early morning till now..
i can't stop thinking of the good things Dad did..
like helping me do my Chinese homework and letting me submit the work as though i had done it in the first place..
and the good thing was that my Chinese teachers never suspected a thing and awarded me with an A grading most of the time..haha..
and also, how he would walk me to school when i was in primary school..and i would always secretly hand him my BAD results slip for him to sign on so that mum would never find out about the bad stuff..
and dad would always buy me breakfast every sunday when i was in primary, secondary and poly...
he knew exactly what i wanted and from which particular the old grandma's minced pork noodles and the economic beehoon and fish porridge..
dad is also a protective figure in my life...
he never fails to answer my calls and would call back if he realised he had missed one..
and he never hesitate to wait for me or mum downstairs when we come back late or from a trip..
in fact, whenever mum goes on an overseas trip, dad would help carry her luggage downstairs and send her it in a cab or going to the departure location with her..
even when the timing is in the weirdest hour, like 4 am and even when mum's luggage is as light as 1 would still go along..
in fact, everything he did was sweet and caring..
except that he's a little naggy and long-winded..
and even when my friends met dad...they would all say he is cute..
just in the way he talked and acted..
he is just a nice and friendly man who always welcomed people into our home..
and if you are a distant relative, he would gladly bring you round Singapore with much happiness...
in fact, he was a happie man always..
laughing over comedies and the little small things in life...
and this is a part of him that i have inherited well..
the laughter and happiness in life..
so many years in my life..
i have never really talked about dad..
in fact, one of my friends in sec sch once thought that i was from a single parent family..
and only found out 2 years later that i was not..
and if i ever give you the impression that i am not really close to dad..
well..then you are wrong..
dad and me share a lot of secrets..
a lot that even my mum does not know..
and a lot of great times too..
like when he took me to swimming lessons and thereafter to eat McDonald's for a happie meal when i was younger..
we were not very well-to-do then..but he gave what he could to me..
and i loved the happie meals which always comes with a small toy to perk up my day..
i didn't really knew how to swim so i was simply just floating here and there..
and i could also remember how i would get him to buy me a Yakult and after drinking, using the Yakult bottle to play by putting the bottle in the water and pouring it out..
most of the times, it was dad who made all this normal activities fun and interesting..
by talking to me like a friend and laughing about silly jokes..
and eating western food and satay always...
he was never once strict with fact, he had never utilised the cane on me before..
and all this sweet memories are buried so deep within my heart that i tend to forget them at times..
and some other times, like this morning, when a bad dream brings back the memories..
i can't help but be thankful to my dad who had brought me many happie and uncountable good times in life and for teaching me many good morals that i will always live by...
for some reasons..i used to call my dad 'Papi'...and then 'daddy' and now 'papa'..
and all i want to do now is to say thanks to a good man who loves his family more than anything else in the world ..
and who thinks his daughter is the greatest invention on earth with the most beautiful looks..
in fact, at times when i was gonna go out and could not decide which attire to wear, i would casually ask him and he would just tell me straight from the heart that it's nice even when i looked like i had a malfunction wardrobe or simply a bad hair day..
though i am only a diploma holder and hold a civil servant job now..he still thinks of me greatly as though i am someone with the world's greatest accomplishments..
to him, i am simply someone who is still in the midst of working for something Big to come..
and no matter how bad things are..he's always there for me..
and i know no matter how screwed a day is or how broken-hearted i am, i can always come back to papa who will show me that i am still the greatest girl in his life, someone of great importance no matter where and when..
and i am thankful for all of these..
for a papi who loves me more than anyone does and who would receive me with open arms whenever i turn back..
i am proud of papi, for all the great things he had done..
and i guess more or less, he had set a margin line for the guys i get into a relationship with..
somehow rather, i would want them to be like papi too...
someone whose description is beyond words and whose love for me is beyond a measuring tape or ruler or measuring tube..
to end it off..
there's just so much more that i wanna say about him but it's simply neverending..
and so,
to my papi..
i just wanna let you know that you are the world's greatest dad..
and i just wanna say thanks for letting me be Me, letting me pursue what i want and being my pillar of support whenever and wherever..
for providing me with whatever you could, even though it means beyond your means..
thanks for every little thing in life..