alicia's little thot at 11:58 AM

so many things to blog about but my brain's memory space is running low...

can't really remember the details and dates...

but hey..

i've got the pics~


nothing much for the past few days..

went to St. Anne's Church to see my grandma's urn..

a peaceful place..

and i also bought her a stalk of Orchid..

since mum said that grandma's favourite flower was Orchid..

when she was still alive..she would always buy Orchids to be placed at the home's alter..

'Happie Grandma Day'...

for the past few days...went out with grace for 2 days in a row to check out the stuff for our upcoming trip to Bangkok..

haha..can't wait for the day to come..

and lay my hands on Shopping!

we've checked out a few tour agencies...

and got this offer from Seiki Tours P/L...

it's S$398 for 5 days 4 nights free and easy to Bangkok..

on budget airline...JetStarAsia...

quite a good deal though...

another one was S$428 for Singapore Airlines..

but we don't need an expensive and comfy airline since the flight's gotta take about an hour and a half..

we can spend the money on shopping instead~..

haha...but the dates are still in the planning..

hope everything goes as planned...

and the package comes with a complimentary sightseeing to some places...

but that's alright..

since our main aim is shopping and not sightseeing...


we even planned the amount of money to be spent..and about cutting down on eating and stuff...

it was a good and messy planning in progress...

and we went to eat at this new restaurant at Marina Sq...

not bad though..i would give it 3 out of 5 stars..

it's called 'Xing Wang Hong Kong Restaurant'..

not enough money to go Hong Kong so i guess eating at a authentic Hong Kong Restaurant does help us feel better..


here's the pics..and if you are interested to's located at Level 1..facing the entrance of Marina Sq to CityLink..

Took this off their Menu Bookie..

The French Toast..

The Steamed Spare Ribs

The Triple Snow Ice..filled with condensed strawberry...

The french toast was alright...just simply bread...but the main courses looks good...and it's opened till 2am i think...

and while me and grace were snapping photos and laughing away...realised we've got the same design of watch...


such a coincidence..

and we ended the day with a couple of drinks at DXO..

good place to chill out..

it's located at The Explanade..

ending my day with Vodka Ribena..slurp~

alicia's little thot at 10:17 PM

i am posting this because i really feel like writing about something today.

But somehow rather, my thoughts ain't that's a little here and a little there..

So i shall see how my thoughts can run and the words on screen work together to bring it out..

today's topic shall be on.......

Love. usual..Love.

i am talking about it so often that i doubt i ever my old blogs and in tones..

but Love today has a special meaning.

Cause' that was the main topic on Sunday's mass... didn't read wrongly.

Once again..

Yes, I attended Sunday Mass.

Yes, Grace. It is true. And Jul, yes. I went.


i can imagine the both of you will be going like..

'ali went church..haha.'

yes, i can imagine that.

But back to the topic.


I don't know what got onto me that there was just this voice within me that kept on telling me that no matter how busy or rush i am..i MUST attend this sunday's mass.

Saturday was my morning i reached home near to midnight.

But for the whole of saturday..there's just this bugging thing in me to get my butt into church.

And i nicely set my alarm to that i'll have enough time to prepare and get to the 1100hrs mass..

well..i woke up early and reached the church early.

And the rest is history.

I told God about the stupid sins i have committed..

told him how sorry i truly am and how i intend to be a better person and a better Catholic.

I mean it~.

it's like there's this call by a guardian angel to get myself back to church and just be a better person.

i don't know what got onto me but i seriously am trying.

In church, i thought about so much stuff..and i had a good talk with God.

and it feels good for the whole of Sunday.

Like a happy sort of feeling.

haha.i am weird ain't i.

oh yeah, back to Love.

It's a wonder how a person's perception of Love changes with time and people.

When you are a baby, Love simply means mummy and daddy and milk and that good old smelly pillow..i used to call it 'ni-ni'...haha..and i even remember calling my booster 'pi-pi'..the good stinko smelly is just so good that it makes you sleep..

oh yeah..back to topic..

when you get a little older..Love means presents and toys..and having parents giving in to your demands..

and when you are in primary school..Love is giving more pocket money and allowing you to watch that drama serial on SBC..the old name for TCS..

and when you get to secondary school..Love is about being able to be with your 'stead' and just doing things that you on TV and such..

and when you grow older and will realised that Love has so much meaning and comes in so many forms that you would lose count of it should you decide to give a number..

Love is simply Love. and nothin' else.

But it is shown in so many different ways that different people understand it differently and show it differently.

there are people who choose to show Love loudly and there are also those who chose to keep it in the heart.

There are people out there who aren't afraid to show their love and keep the one they love by their side and keep all right logic out. Yet, there are also those who wait silently by the side for Love to blossom.

Love, to put it simply, ain't anything about possession or money or having someone by your side.

It is about Freedom. Freedom to let your love go.

It is about giving Love a chance and a choice. Not forcing or making it happen.

It is about being true to oneself and setting free your heart.

There is a saying that goes..

'Loving someone means letting him go..

if he comes back, he's yours.

if not, be glad that he was once yours.'

i used to think that it's a stupid thought..

if you love someone so much, then why give him up just like that?

but now that i am older..

i understand what it meant.

you can keep a man by your side..

but you can't keep his Heart.

Let him go and let yourself go.

Both of you will feel better this way.

To a close friend that confided in me his probs..

i can't help but write a note for you..

i don't really understand..

but booze and smokie ain't gonna take away the pain or hurt or memories..

it only provides a temporary relief..

no doubt that you need that destructive atmosphere for some time..

but you know you are overdoing it.

facing up to it is one thing.

Living with it is another.

It is truly difficult,

when she left you behind for someone supposedly better.

And you thought you had given your best.

all the gals can't be compared to her no matter how perfect they are..

cause' it was with her that you been thru' the worst and best times in life and learnt to be a better man.

I can't bring her back to you. I can't make time stop for anyone.

I can't provide extremely good advise cause' i am in a destructive mode too.

but let time take it all away.

Every passing day brings you nearer to healing a broken heart.

Hang in there.

Someday you will realised that what sounded like a love song now would be an ordinary song sometime down the road..

alicia's little thot at 11:43 PM

mum's out of town these few days..currently on a trip on Genting..

how i wish..i could have a mini holiday trip too..

nothing too much or fancy..just a place for relaxation..just kind of tired these days..and i have been spending days at home sleeping and watching vcds..

haha...just finished the korean drama..titled 'Little Bride'..that show was simply sweet and nice..

the main theme of the show was Love but..

presented and showed in a different way..

nice and touching show..and some good laughing moments too..

i was actually hestitating over whether to get that or the taiwan drama serial 'Devil Beside you'..but i decided to get the 'Little Bride'..since it it was kind of reasonable at S$27/-..after mum did some bargaining since she frequently get her drama serials from there..

i am not quite the kind of person that would spend hours or even days at home entertaining myself with vcds..but i just don't know what got onto me..

if i am not wrong..the show's currently playing on tv U..but it's only on certain days..each time for half an hour..

and me being always impatient..i guess i just can't wait for the ending..

and recently..i realised that i have not been blogging much..

i mean..blogging about thoughts and stuff..

gosh..where have all my thoughts went to?and inspiration?

maybe i need time to replenish myself...

then i'll bounce back better..


i just feel a sense of emptiness and insecurity in me..

no matter how strong and happie i present myself to people..

at the end of the day..

i feel tired of myself at times..

tired of the mask i wear everyday and the imperfect heart i carry..

i can be both good and not-so-nice to people around..

and more often than not..

it is till they leave me or when they die..

do i realise the importance of their existence..

i know it sounds crude..but is when they Die.

i have been avoiding being close to people these days..

i don't know why either..

i guess i needed some time on my just settle stuff on my own and mind my own stuff for the time being..

but at the same time..i am kind of getting used to much so that it feels uneasy with another person around..especially when someone gets close..i just feel a sense of insecurity..

these days..i have been reading people's blogs..colin and kero's..icy yan..jillian..jul's..other friends..

and i realised they all have one thing in common..


a special someone by their side..and most of their entries would be about how things are getting on in their love life..

i don't deny that apart from that happiness and gladness for them..there lies a little sense of envy..

who wouldn't anyway..especially when everyone around you are all attached and well..

sometimes..there are some moments and times that friends can't replace and provide for..

for these people..i feel happie for them..

for myself..

i would always wonder what would have happened if i have not given up on my past relationships..

but then..i am most glad that i did..

if i had not..i would not have seen the world the way i want to..

and now..

i am just thinking how life turns at all angles..

when i was young...and having a lot of opportunities to play around and explore life..i chose to settle with someone and be in a world of two instead of one..

i have missed out on a lot of young singlehood..and though i am able to lead a single life now..some things are just different..

and when i was attached..people around me are all single and having fun..

but now that we are all older..

these people are all attached and some are even married with babies..

but here i am..being single and wanting to enjoy life..

how ironic..


maybe i am thinking too much...


good nite people..

alicia's little thot at 11:28 PM

The poster on the abortion was sad isn’t it?

When I first saw it, I just could not take my eyes off it.

It was simply heartbreaking and at the same time, cruel.

Personally, I do not disagree with abortion. However, at the same time, neither do I support it.

There are always different reasons why people opt for an abortion.

1) Inability to care for the child in the future financially;
2) Inability to raise the child, as the mother herself is underaged;
3) The child, having a defect in his body and thus being unable to live through birth;
4) Last but not least, Unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

This is, but a few that I can think of right now.

There are always ways and reasons that people can find to justify themselves for the act of abortion.

But it all boils down to one question. Can you face yourself at the end of the day that you have made a decision to let a life end in a way that he/she never had a say to?

I have once read about a story in Women’s Weekly. The issue was released a few years back. But nevertheless, this story stays.

This is a true story of a lady who is married and had been trying for years to have a baby but to no avail.

Finally, one day, good news came from her doctor that she is pregnant. However, after a few follow-ups, it was found that her baby was suffering from a disease and would be born autistic. She was then asked if she wants an abortion or to continue with the pregnancy.

She went back home and thought hard about it. Friends and families have told her that it is her choice to make. But, they would always emphasize that it ain’t a good and easy job to bring up an autistic child. In addition to the increasing pressure from them, this lady had to deal with the belief of her religion that does not support abortion.

And then came one day when she went for prayers in Church and came to a decision.

She informed her doctor that she would see the child through pregnancy and bring him/her up.

This lady then informed her beloved ones about the decision. Her husband stood by her as she told them her decision to do so.
Months later, this lady gave birth to a baby that was autistic. However, due to some implications, the baby died soon after.

And years later, she was found to be pregnant again. However, this time round, she gave birth to a healthy baby and has been a happy mother since.

When this lady related her story to the magazine writer, she was asked the reason for not aborting the first baby.

Her answer to the question was that she was faced with the temptation to simply abort the baby since it has low chances of survival. However, her visit to the Church made her realized one very important thing. No one has the power or right to end a life except for God. Mothers are, but just the ones who bring life to the world. It is by God’s grace that life is created.

Thus, she has no right to end a life. She believed strongly that the faith in God would bring her through the trials that she might face for the days ahead.

God was fair indeed. The lady is now a happy mother.

I know the above story is kind of too religious for some of you out there.

But it’s just a story that I had wanted to share.

For the lady, I must salute her for her actions. Because if given the same position, I might not have the courage and strong faith and belief to make that sort of decision.

Abortion is indeed a very difficult topic to touch on.

It has no right or wrong.

Just a point of view and a test on moral courage.

Touching back on the topic, actually the one that I really wanted to talk about was number 4, where there are unplanned and unwanted pregnancies.

Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies often come from unprotected pre-marital sex.

People are often too negligent in it or simply a case of ‘it-won’t-happen-to-me’ kind of thinking.

And they will only learn their lesson when the probability becomes reality.

When they see through the scanning machine that an unborn child actually has 2 eyes and a nose and a mouth.

And when reality becomes ugly, people think of 2 ways out. Abortion or Birth.

Abortion is like an immediate ‘full-stop’ to a problem or situation, whatever you call it.

However, abortion brings with it much more pain and fear than you think there is.

The killing of an innocent life isn’t just ‘like that’.

You will be living with the stigma of it forever. And no one else will ever understand that kind of pain.

Having an abortion is like doing a mistake and continuing it.

Yes, it is true that having a baby is no easy job. Me talking here is like simple and easy.

I know it is not easy. Having a baby is not like eating and sleeping.

It’s a lifetime commitment. No part-time or contract basis. You have to continue no matter what.

And a baby needs extra care and attention. In addition, you have to make daily contributions of tender love, care, concern and the neverending payments to milk powder companies and dozens of diapers.

And if you get ‘lucky’ or ‘sway’ enough, you might just end up in a marriage that works defectively, resulting in a divorce.

To end, actually there are just too many views on abortion. It is not legally wrong to have an abortion, yet it is morally wrong to kill a life just like that. Most religions do not support it while some people in society supports it for simple realistic reasons.

In short, what you do now would come back to you one day.

Prevention is better than cure.

Don’t let a moment’s folly become a lifetime regret.

alicia's little thot at 12:54 PM

i was surfing people's blog at random when i came across this webbie..

it's actually a webbie where people gets to post in their secrets in the form of a postcard..

i was jus browsing thru' when this particular one caught my eye..

sad..ain't it?

alicia's little thot at 11:49 AM

i've not been blogging as i used to...

since i shifted my blog fom xanga...

maybe cause' i was tired..

just too lazy to put my fingers on the keyboard and punch in the alphabets..

life's been so far so good..

maybe just a little lacking here and there..

some things..

i just wished that it would come one day where i would live to see it come true..

today is Off Day..

and i am greatly entertained by the passing-by lorries that kept on saying over their loud microphones..Support P** or S**..

it's kind of disturbing my peace..

but there's nothing i can do..

and i have to vote this year.

i don't know if this is good news being able to choose over who is gotta be taking good care of my Bedok ppl..

voting is on Sat..

it's my First..

i have abosolutely no idea how it goes..

but i'll go with the flow..

and i have been skipping church services..

i am guilty..

hope there ain't any priests readin this...